we are officially homeowners! all papers are signed and we have the keys in our hands and are so excited to move in! first, we are traveling to california to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family, then we will come home and start the moving process.
however, the projects have already begun. we have sold some furniture (remember my chairs?) to make room for some new furniture pieces, we have started looking for items to add to what we already have so that we can have a grown up house and not just a pieced together house from our mismatched belongings. but the first project we have nearly conquered was a big one. we scraped and painted the entire house!
you can't tell from pictures, but before the paint was peeling, a lot. so the husband scraped and scraped with a painter friend and prepared the house.
then we had the painter come and spray the entire house a new, fresh color. we were a little nervous at this point, because it was a little darker than we thought it would be. but we held on tight and continued on. we hired a painter for the base paint of the house, but thought that we could do the trim ourselves. WORD TO THE WISE: don't paint the trim yourself, it's tedious, takes forever, and is harder than you'd think!
because the weather is quickly becoming wet and COLD we had to do as much as we could in one day. we were able to get almost all of it done. if we get another warm day the back windows will all be trimmed out, if not the project will continue through the spring.
we love how it turned out! the yellow door against the gray and ivory. we love how much the ivory brightened it up. and though you can't tell in the pictures, a fresh new coat of paint makes a world of difference!
now to paint a few rooms inside too...